other SAP® topics

You and we know it: the SAP® world is complex. Not all topics can be fixed in categories and that's a good thing. A few references to general topics can be found on this page.


Creation of a technical fine concept for the field of employee appraisals
  • Sector: Industry Service

  • Number of employees: 3.000

  • used technologies: ABAP®, ABAP OO, WebDynpro

  • Initially, this project was about creating a concept for the PE. From this initial project, the customer gave us the approval to develop their own target agreement tool (without SAP standard performance management) as a GUI transaction (dialog programming) including their own infotypes / tables and evaluations.


Implementation of a badge creation and visitor management tool, integrated with SAP®
  • Sector: Service Provider

  • Number of employees: 1.500

  • used technologies: ABAP®

  • With a partner company, we have accompanied the introduction of a tool for printing employee ID cards, including contractor management. The tool is fully integrated in SAP® and is administered menu-driven in own SAP® transactions.


Set up a translation environment and administer translation management
  • Sector: Service Provider

  • Number of employees: 14.000

  • used technologies: ABAP®

  • The requirement of this company was to create a translation facility for its own product development in SAP®, which allows the texts to be translated to be exported, processed and re-imported. We have developed this tool and built in comprehensive security checks that e.g. already existing translated texts are not overwritten during import.


Introduction of an archiving system
  • Sector: Pharma

  • Number of employees: 60.000

  • used technologies: ABAP®

  • For this company we have completely introduced the archiving system.